Request for books
Dear Parents and Carers,
Could I ask you to check if you have any of the following books at home that you would be willing to donate to the school? Alternatively, if you visit any market stalls or charity shops and find any which you are willing to donate, we would be extremely grateful.
Thank you
Mrs Hill
English Subject Leader
Goodnight Moon
Handa’s Surprise
Mr Gumpy’s Outing
Mrs Armitage on Wheels
On the Way Home
Rosie’s Walk
Six Dinner Sid
Whatever Next?
Avocado Baby
Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?
Cops and Robbers
Knuffle Bunny
Lost and Found
The Elephant and the Bad Baby
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
Amazing Grace
Dr Xargle’s Book of Earthlings
Emily Brown and the Thing
Frog and Toad Together
Meerkat Mail
Pumpkin Soup
The Flower
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark
Traction Man is Here
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book
Willa and Old Miss Annie
Ice Cat
Hansel and Gretel (Anthony Browne)
The Battle of Bubble and Squeak
Charlotte’s Web
Perry Angel’s Suitcase
The Snow-Walker’s Son
Voices in the Park
Why the Whales Came
Midnight Fox
River Boy
The Hobbit