Badgers Class - Years 4/5/6
Ready, Respectful, Safe.
Together, being the best we can be in mind, body and spirit.
A very warm welcome to Badger Class which will consist of Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils. Your class teachers are Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Mills with Mr. Scott and Mrs. Bailey being the main teaching assistants supporting the class. We are looking forward to getting back to learning and getting you back with your friends. You will find lots of information below to help on your return to school. We have put lots of systems in place to make sure that you all feel safe. If you cannot find the information you need, please contact us. Urgent enquiries should go through the office but less urgent enquiries can be sent directly to the teacher through Class Dojo (to reduce the amount of face to face meetings required). We are really excited about seeing you all again. We know we are going to have a great year.