Johnson Class

Johnson Class is a mixed age group class of Reception and Year One pupils.  We also share our classroom with Little Ladybirds Nursery. Although not all Nursery children attend every session.


Miss King is our class teacher. Mrs Blackmur, Mr Scott and Mrs Bailey support our learning. 


Our class is named after the African-American physicist, Katherine Johnson. Johnson worked as part of NASA and was instrumental in some of NASA's most successful and famous missions! Johnson is portrayed in the recent film about her work, Hidden Figures. 


During the summer term 2024, our class will be taught alongside their respective year groups at Gayton Primary Academy due to the ongoing flooding issue with the Middleton building. 




Each week, spellings for year one will be sent home and practised daily in school. It is expected that children practise these spellings at home. Spellings are assessed each Friday and children's individual scores are then sent home to parents on their child's Dojo portfolio. 


Year ones will bring home a White Rose Maths worksheet related to the work we have been completing in class that week. These will be peer marked the next week in school. 


It is expected that all Reception and Year One children read their Little Wandle guided reading book each week at home. Children are also sent home with a chosen book from the reading corner, this book is to be shared between parents and children. 

Link to 'Subject Overviews' - 

Here are some links to some really useful websites with lots of home learning resources on them for you to do with your child if you have to isolate, or if you just fancy doing some home learning!

If you have any questions about the work, please feel free to message myself or Mrs. Blackmur on class Dojo.