William Shakespeare Class - Class 3

Welcome to William Shakespeare Class.  


Our class teachers are Mrs Hill and Mrs Mills

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Footer and Mrs Bailey.

Knowledge Organiser Summer Term


White Rose Home Learning will still provide videos but will not be providing worksheets unless schools have paid for a subscription. We have done this but, as everybody will be at different places because they may not have accessed all days, instead of specifying which days children should complete which task, I will provide the blocks of worksheets and answers and you can access the ones you need. I hope that is clear. Please message me on Dojo if you need any clarification. I hope that this will work well. Mrs Hill.

White Rose, Summer Term, Year 6, week 7

white Rose, Summer Term, Year 5, week 7

As we work very closely with Gayton School, one of our colleagues has compiled a list of websites which may be useful to you while home schooling. We hope you find them helpful. 

Helpful Websites for Home Learning

Knowledge Organiser