Guinn Class (Yr4/5/6)

Welcome to Guinn Class named after a female scientist. We are delighted to be back and look forward to seeing the progress the children make this year. For the majority of the week, I will be teaching the class with Mrs Footer as the teaching assistant. On Wednesdays, Mr Scott will join the class and on Tuesdays, Mrs Bailey will also be supporting. Please feel free to make an appointment if you need to speak to me or catch me at the end of the school day. Unfortunately, I cannot usually respond to Dojo messages during teaching time so please, unless it is a Wednesday, contact the office if you need a response during teaching time. Thank you.

Mrs Hill

Guinn Class

Curriculum Overview

Revision Year 6 percentages

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Revision Year 6 Multiple operations

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Revision multiplying a fraction by a fraction

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Home learning for Monday 12.2.2024 Year 4 English

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Monday 12.2.2024 English Yr 5 & 6

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Monday 12.2.2024 Maths Year 4/5 Group

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Monday maths Y5/6 group

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Home Learning 12.2.2024


You can work on learning your times table facts on Tackling Tables or

You can practise rapid recall of times table facts on URBrainy.

You can use spelling frame to work on learning your multiplication facts.

You can read any of your reading books. 

you can research the Grand Canyon. 


Practise rapid recall of times table facts using the site below. 


MTC Test - URBrainy


Children can use their Tackling Tables Login to practise multiplication and division facts. 

Another fun way to rapidly recall facts is using the link below. 

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds ( 



Grammar - KS2 English - BBC Bitesize