School Council

Our School Council are:

Kajus, Jazz, Eloise, James, Vesper and Hunter.


We are promoting kindness and good behaviour through special awards each week. These were areas that the children raised in our pupil survey. We want to see more kindness and encourage children to focus on their learning when other children are not!

The survey showed that children feel safe and all know that they can talk to a trusted adult in school.

  • Nearly everyone knows which adults they can talk to if they feel uncomfortable or worried (98%)
  • Everyone knows how to stay safe online. (98%)
  • Everyone thinks that work in class is appropriately challenging (100%)
  • Nearly everyone takes pride in their work (98%) know how to improve their work (95%)
  • Nearly everyone thinks that teachers are kind and fair (95%) and they receive help when they need it (98%)
  • Nearly everyone knows how to act if they are bullied, or think that they are being bullied (95%)


We organised a collection of food for our harvest festival. We have donated all the tins and packets to King's Lynn Foodbank. We wanted to help people who are experiencing difficulties and need some extra food.